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Dreaming of a career in high-tech?

Join the program that provides dedicated training
and integration for women

No prior high-tech experience or specialized technology degree is necessary No associated costs involved

A Google program in collaboration with

The Most Comprehensive Program for Launching Your Career in the High-Tech Industry

Basic Skills Boot Camp
Immerse yourself in a comprehensive course that equips you with the essential tools necessary for success in start-ups and technology companies.
Professional Training
All the skills required for junior positions in the industry are obtained through practice and hands-on work, led by experts from leading companies.
Finding a Job
Access an array of invaluable resources and support to enhance your job search. Develop the tools and skills needed to excel in job interviews, and receive dedicated assistance in connecting with recruiting companies.

Hybrid studies
in the afternoon

(on Zoom and in class)

Comprehensive Theoretical and
Practical Training

Industry-Aligned Curriculum

Free of Charge

Who Can Benefit from the Program?!



Women face barriers that hinder their integration into the high-tech industry. Our team chooses to face these challenges together with you.

Whether you are a young mother, have a degree in humanities, or work in a completely different field and dream of a career change, this training is suitable for you.

Embark on Your Path to Success

* It is possible to apply to more than one program at a time

Sales - SDR / BDR

Get familiar with the world of sales, identify potential customers and gain experience in selling SAAS products to companies and individuals.

Data Analysis

Use data to generate business insights and help various teams in the company solve problems through effectively presented data analysis.

Customer Success

Creating value for customers and aiding them in achieving their self-defined goals by correctly utilizing the company's products.
Please note! In order to cater to new immigrants (olot), the Customer Success course will be taught in English only.

Application Process

Admission Questionnaire
The program is tailored for women who aspire to join the high-tech industry and are dedicated to making the required transition.
Aptitude Test
An assessment that gauges your English proficiency and potential for success in the profession.
Video Introduction

Submission of a short video introducing yourself in order for us to get to know you better.

Evaluation Center

If you are shortlisted as a final candidate, you will be invited to an online evaluation center.

There will be 100 women accepted into the program.

Are you one of them?